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Who we are?

Meet Paula Narkiniemi & Hanna Sihvonen, two Finnish blondes and sisters-in-laws who love to plan their next holiday. 

Infused with an appreciation for aesthetics and a passion for charming cobbled stone towns, the tiny travel guide serves as your companion in crafting a flawlessly orchestrated holiday, unveiling hidden treasures at every turn. Advocates of the unhurried art of slow travel, we find delight in the allure of local cuisines and picturesque pathways that elevate the travel experience. Our commitment lies in delivering inspiring articles brimming with invaluable insights, seamlessly guiding you through the intricacies of planning your journey abroad. Join us on a captivating exploration, as we unveil one enchanting itinerary after another, inviting you to explore these captivating corners with us.

Images taken by Hanna Sihvonen / Canon 5D mark iii