Venice: Unveiling the Enchanted City Beyond the Grand Canal

Welcome to Venice, the floating city of romance, dreams, and endless wonder. As you embark on this whimsical journey through the narrow streets and winding canals, you're about to discover Venice in a way only the locals do. Get ready to be enchanted by the myriad details, hidden treasures, and the captivating beauty that lies beyond the grandeur of the Grand Canal.

Grand Canal

St. Marco’s square during sunrise (hence no crowds)

Top tip: Amidst the Doge's Palace crowds, embark on a unique private photo and cultural tour guided by a local photojournalist. Discover Venice's hidden gems while delving into its delicate foundations, imperiled by cruise ships, rising tides, and climate change – some front steps already submerged. This extraordinary 3 1/2-hour adventure unveils secret courtyards and takes you off the beaten paths to the city's most visually captivating spots, offering an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience.If you are into photography Marco Secchi will guide you in your technique. This was the highlight of my trip. 

Saint Mark’s Basilica

The Streets of Venice: A Mosaic of Delight

Venture into the labyrinth of Venetian streets, and you'll find yourself lost in a sensory tapestry of delight. Each step unveils a story, and each corner reveals a new detail – a wrought iron balcony adorned with crimson flowers, a weathered stone archway, or a quaint bridge that stretches over the tranquil canals. The visual richness of Venice can be found in the patina of time on every building and the vibrant colors that pop against the backdrop of aquamarine waters.

In Venice, inspiration lies at every turn, waiting to be uncovered in the intricate details of its enigmatic architecture. This city weaves a mysterious tapestry with its arched windows and ornate balconies, encouraging you to wander and explore. The pastel hues of faded bricks and weathered walls create a mythic illusion, enchanting your senses.

As you slow down to soak in the essence of Venice, you'll discover an array of treasures in its small antique and jewelry shops. From exquisite teapot sets to platinum paperweights, there's no shortage of unique finds. At Ca' Macana in the Dorsoduro region, delve into the world of handcrafted masks, a respected Venetian tradition.

For a journey into the artisan realm of velvet and satin, venture to Venetia Studium, tucked away on San Marco 69. Here, you'll encounter beautifully handmade tassels, robes, and pillowcases, each a work of art in its own right.

To experience the essence of traditional craftsmanship, visit Gianni Basso, an old-school letterpress that exudes exquisite artistry. Explore the shelves of Liberia Acqua Alta to uncover a trove of old antique books and drawings, each with a story to tell.

Amidst the city's maze of streets, you'll stumble upon charming boutiques once you venture away from the tourist-heavy areas. Beware of imitation Murano glass, often produced in China and passed off as authentic Italian craftsmanship. Instead, bring home the true essence of Venice with exquisite linen from Burano, sage-colored tassels from Venetia Studium, and antique art books and drawings from Liberia Acqua Alta. Venice is a city that offers inspiration in every hidden corner, beckoning you to explore its secrets and bring a piece of its magic back home.

Boat-Only Navigation: An Aquatic Adventure

To truly experience Venice like a local, embrace the city's aquatic heart. Navigate the city's intricate network of canals on vaporettos (water buses) or water taxis, and feel the rhythm of daily life that flows with the tides. Escape the crowds and enjoy the splendid views by taking a ride along the Grand Canal, with its magnificent palazzi, or explore the quieter, smaller canals where you'll discover hidden gems.

The island of Burano

Islands to Explore: Beyond the Mainland

Venturing to Venice's nearby islands is a must. Murano, famous for its glassblowing tradition, invites you to witness artisans crafting delicate glass sculptures. Burano is a burst of color with its brightly painted houses, while Torcello carries the whispers of Venetian history with its ancient cathedrals and quiet gardens. These islands offer a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of the main city. 

Hidden Piazzas: Secret Oases

Venice is a treasure trove of hidden piazzas, tranquil oases where time seems to stand still. Stumble upon Campo Santa Margherita, a lively yet authentic square, or find the secluded Campo San Vio, offering resplendent views of the Grand Canal. While tourists flock to St. Mark's Square, locals savor the intimate charm of Campo Santo Stefano, where you can enjoy a gelato in peace.

Not-So-Known Sights: Hidden Gems

For a unique Venetian experience, uncover less-visited gems like the Scala Contarini del Bovolo, a spiral staircase that reveals astonishing rooftop views. Or explore the Dorsoduro district, home to the stunning Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute and the Gallerie dell'Accademia, housing an exceptional collection of Venetian art.

Restaurant Tips: Savoring Culinary Delights

Indulge your taste buds in the authentic flavors of Venice by dining at local trattorias. Try Trattoria Da Fiore for delectable seafood or Osteria Alla Botte for Venetian classics. For a unique experience, visit Cantina Do Spade, one of the oldest wine bars in Venice. And don't miss out on cicchetti – small, flavorful snacks – at bacari like Cantina Do Mori. 

Where to Stay: Embrace Venetian Charm

To immerse yourself in the Venetian way of life, stay in a boutique hotel like Palazzetto Pisani (close to Campo Santo Stefano), Ca' Sagredo or Ca' Maria Adele, where you'll experience opulent décor, personalized service, and breathtaking views. Alternatively, opt for an apartment in the quieter neighborhoods to truly feel like a local.

Venice, beyond its grand canals, is a city of enchantment, where every detail is a story waiting to be discovered. Navigate the waterways, explore hidden piazzas, and savor the culinary delights, all while staying in the heart of this remarkable city. Venice is not just a destination; it's a journey through time, beauty, and the poetry of everyday life on the water.

seafood spaghetti


Cutest less-known towns in Veneto